

April 20, 2020 | Washington | 40-49 years

Vivid with lots of extraneous and silly detail. The part I remember most clearly was needing to get out of my house and finding the main door blocked by a lion. The lion wouldn't budge. I kept pushing and pushing on the door but then having concerns that I might wake and irritate the lion. It's so pedestrian, this dream, and so easy to analyze...the humor is in that, I guess, and also in that the surrounding details were so vivid during the dream process but difficult to pinpoint after.

Note: Dreamer adds, “My husband also had a dream featuring a lion about a week ago. I think the lion came from seeing news about the Bronx Zoo big cats developing covid and maybe, just maybe, the sense of being restricted in activity by a large, unforeseen and somewhat unbelievable force from outside!!”

Ed. note: We have in fact seen an uptick in lion dreams in the last couple days, for whatever reason.



