Only my lockdown


April 26, 2020 | Turrialba | 20-29 years

I had a dream of getting infected and talking to the health care personnel during my test, I requested several repetitions of the test since I was really anxious or worried because I was going to be locked down at home for several weeks and I was going to loose my crops and bees at my farms, I was never worried about any health complications, only my lockdown.

Other days I dream about the curfew hours imposed by the government, not having enough time to get to different places and back home or I could get my license plates seized, my car towed or loose my drivers licence.

Note: Dreamer adds, “My country has had very few deaths and few cases as well compared to many similar and neighbor countries, so getting sick was never a big concern for me, only the curfews and my bee and agricultural job being impaired while being precisely on harvest months.”


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