Separate clear bags
It began traveling across the ocean for a very long time in one of those theme park gondolas to a huge island city with my mother and another person.
Resistance movement
I dreamed that there was a resistance movement within the intelligence community to obtain and distribute the real facts about the pandemic.
Little virus balls
I dreamed about all of my food becoming little virus balls and attacking me while I was sleeping.
Enter the house
It was sometime in the future. It was snowing A LOT (which is weird, cause Brazil doesn't have snow and I have never saw snow in person).
Coronavirus speakeasy party
I discovered a group of hipsters having a secret Illicit coronavirus speakeasy party in the sub-sub basement of a building.
Messages, greetings
One night I was feeling rather scared and restless about the pandemic situation which had just started spreading in Mexico and I asked to "the universe" if you have something to say to me please do so, I will not be afraid, and I went to sleep.
Delivery room
I had a dream that I was in the delivery room with her. It was a large, cinder block room with no windows.
Main St Hyannis
My sister and I were riding in a red British double decker bus down Main St Hyannis.