Social distancing prevails
We were in post-quarantine times but the risk of virus was very real.
Red flowers
I saw that a friend and I were sitting in an old buildings verandah, overlooking a big field with trees that grow red flowers.
Blood test
I’m getting a blood test but the guy taking the sample keeps telling me that I need to sit down because he needs just one more.
Cheering and clapping
I had a dream that I was watching a video shared on social media that depicted: 2 women, covered in blood.
Sleeping ones
I had a dream my family and I were running across a parking lot, toward a helipad. We were informed that we would be taken away to a fortified city with a population of 10,000.
False negative
I dreamt that I incorrectly swabbed a fragile immunocompromised patient so they received a false negative.
Everything is gone
We were being forced from our homes as we learned that COVID was a biological weapon intended to create a dictatorship.