

April 22, 2020 | Los Angeles | 40-49 years

I had some good pandemic dreams last night. The only one I can remember: there was a little old lady who wandered lost into our yard (we’ve been leaving the gate open for deliveries) then she accidentally shut the gate and locked herself in the yard. The weather was getting blustery like a tornado or hurricane was coming and she was panicky. I had an urgent sense to help her out of the yard, but I couldn’t find a face mask to put on to go out and unlock the gate to help her. I gestured to her through the front window to get away from the gate so that I could open it and not get her sick. She was confused, didn’t understand me and she was getting further panicked to get out. I was panicked to find a face mask to put on before the weather killed her. My dilemma was would she die from the weather or die from me giving her covid. I woke up before I could decide.

Note: Dreamer adds, “Been on self-quarantine social distancing for 42 days.”




A recurring dream