Out in the open
I was in my apartment and looked out of the window and saw my apartment manager walking towards my apartment with another person.
Show us your papers
Last weekend when the news broke that Trump was considering locking down NYS to control the spread of the virus I had this dream.
Crowded table
I was sitting with about 10-12 people, around a crowded table, we were maybe working, maybe laughing.
I am sustained
It’s a warm summer evening, and I’m at a packed tapas restaurant in the city.
Great Burrito
Last night I dreamed that I was wandering the streets of NYC and they were empty.
Zoom nightmare
I dreamed that too many people were invited to the zoom and we couldn't have a regular conversation.
A lot of movement
In the first dream I was traveling by car with some friends and the police stopped us saying that we could not travel, that we had to stay at the nearest gas station.